Learn Permanent Hair Simulation, Permanent Eyeshadow and Permanent Blush

Specialized Advanced Permanent Makeup Master Class at Look Image Academy FL – RI

Look Image Academy of Permanent Makeup now offers 3 new specialized permanent makeup Master Classes featuring, Hair Follicle Simulation (Hair Follicle Micro-Pigmentation), Permanent Eye Shadow and Permanent Blush (Rouge). Each Permanent Makeup Master Class takes 2 days to become certified. It is available to individuals who have graduated and become certified in advanced permanent makeup and/or practicing permanent makeup professionals. You will be thoroughly trained by world renowned and highly sought after, permanent makeup instructor, Doreen Lindgren. You will be trained using rotary and state of the art digital permanent makeup equipment with special micro-pigmentation needles designed especially for hair follicle simulation, Permanent Eye Shadow and Permanent Blush.


permanent hair simulation class RI FLHair Simulation (Micro-Pigmentation)

This breakthrough technology utilizes specially designed and patented roller type needles that create natural looking hair follicles. Hair follicle simulation is a popular procedure for both men and women who have receding hairlines, bald spots or thinning areas of the scalp. Individual hair strokes are created using highlight and shadow tones to perfectly match the individuals hair color and create a 3 dimensional natural appearance. Men and women with closely cropped hair styles benefit the most from permanent hair follicle simulation and it works great to fill in thinning hair of all lengths. Permanent Hair Simulation is perfect for people who do not wish to have or have not had success with hair transplants and is a very cost effective technique for camouflaging bald spots and thinning hair.



permanent eyeshadow and brow blush master pmu class FL RIPermanent Multi Dimensional Eyeshadow

This highly advanced Permanent Makeup technique uses specialized patented needles and multiple shades of pigment to create a beautiful and natural eyelid enhancement. This is perhaps the most artistic practice of permanent eye makeup with a beautiful multi dimensioanal result. It looks just like natural eye shadow, only better. Wake up with perfect makeup everyday and the best part is… It doesn’t wash away in the shower or when you work out. Perfect for the busy mom, career woman or athlete who doesn’t have the time or inclination to fuss with applying makeup everyday but still wants to look their best.


permanet blush instruction look image schoolPermanent Blush

Another highly advanced permanent makeup technique to give the cheek bones a natural rosy appearance. This procedure uses specialized wide needles for more skin coverage. There are several techniques depending upon the type of blush techniques the client prefers.


At Look Image Academy –Permanent Makeup School Pompano Beach, FL our mission is to develop well trained students who meet all the necessary requirements and are capable of performing all of the skills needed to become successful professionals in the field of permanent micro -pigmentation also known as permanent makeup, tattoo makeup / cosmetics. Advanced classes include



Start your new and exciting career as a professional permanent makeup artist now.
Call Today to speak with an admissions counselor to learn more about permanent makeup training classes.


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855-800-5665 (LOOK)

Información Clases Español (612) 743-5954